Aid Veterans
Program supervision
Homeless veterans usually cannot travel to several offices in different locations to request help. Stand Down programs bring a wide range of services to one location that provides shelter, food, housing, employment and health services. Stand Downs are currently held in more than 100 communities across the nation.
The Gift
This gift will provide supervision of the National Stand Down program for one day. NCHV is the national coordinator of the Stand Down program. The staff monitors programs nationwide, maintains the Stand Down Registry so veterans and service providers can connect with programs in their communities, advocates for federal and corporate funding support and in-kind donations, and publishes the Stand Down Manual -- a tool for groups that want to organize and conduct this type of homeless veteran outreach event. Since 1989, more than 100 communities have developed annual Stand Down programs, and those events offer services and referrals to long-term assistance to more than 28,000 homeless veterans each year.