About Us
See Our GiftsOverview
KickStart helps people get out poverty by creating and promoting simple tools they can use to create businesses and income. Our biggest success is our line of MoneyMaker manual irrigation pumps. By proving an easy and inexpensive way to irrigate, KickStart helps poor farmers increase their farm income ten-fold.
To help millions of people out of poverty as quickly and cost effectively as possible, and in the process, change how the world fights poverty.
KickStart has only program: to create and promote money-making tools used by entreprenurial people to create businesses jobs and wealth.
Over 47,000 profitable new businesses have been started with KickStart pumps and other tools--and more than 1,000 are added each month. These businesses generate over $48 million in new profits and wages every year. This has helped over 235,000 people out of poverty. More than 60,000 are now enrolled in school because their parents can finally afford school fees.
Kenya, Burkina Faso, Mali, Tanzania, United Republic of
California, New York
2435 Polk St.
Suite 20
San Francisco, CA 94109
Phone: (415) 346-4820
EIN: 06-1613235