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About Us

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KaBOOM! is a national non-profit that envisions a great place to play within walking distance of every child in America. With over 14 years of experience, KaBOOM! has inspired the creation of over 16,000 playspaces across North America.


To create great places to play through the leadership and participation of communities.


To reach our vision of a great place to play within walking distance of every child in America, KaBOOM! conducts 3 strategic programs:

The LEAD program works with approximately 200 communities a year to create new play spaces through our signature community-build process and innovative public-private partnerships.

The SEED program generates play spaces at a much faster pace because we "seed" communities to do it themselves. This strategy enables us to share our community-build playspace expertise on a broad scale and offer communities access to all of the KaBOOM! best practices. We offer trainings, how-to publications, online tools, and challenge grants that people need to replicate community-builds on their own. Our online community platform has created an consumer-to-consumer marketplace of ideas that puts power into the hands of the people who are planning to build play spaces.

Our RALLY program "rallies" a national network of “Playmakers," individuals who take greater leadership in their communities for children’s play. We will promote a shared vision and a unified voice about the importance of play to increase public awareness, create better public policy, and generate funding to increase play at a systemic level.


KaBOOM! has facilitated the construction of over 1,000 playgrounds, skateparks, fields and ice rinks across North America and inspired the creation or renovation of additional 3,500 playspaces. Over 200,000 individuals have volunteered in our 10 year history, leading to improved lives for thousands of children.


United States, Mexico, Canada


4455 Connecticut Ave, NW

Suite B100

Washington, DC 20008

Phone: (888) 789-7529

EIN: 52-1970904

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