Prevent Conflict
North Africa
The complexity of politics and society in North Africa has created instability in the region for decades. Obstacles to reform, the multifaceted role of Islam, and spill-over effects from conflicts in the Middle East have been generating insecurity and made post-conflict transitions difficult. Crisis Group’s North Africa Project works to encourage good governance and accountability in these transition processes, and develops strategies to promote reform and the development of civil society.
The Gift
Your donation will support Crisis Group’s North Africa Project, which covers the region from its base in Cairo. In Egypt, your gift will provide Crisis Group with the resources to monitor developments threatening peace internally and externally, as well as to apply and expand its analyses to other North African countries. In addition, your donation will support Crisis Group’s production of comprehensive and timely reports on Islamism in the region. For more information on this project please go to www.crisisgroup.org.