Prevent Conflict
Middle East
For decades, the unrelenting violence in the Middle East has remained at the centre of international concern. The intertwined hostilities and interests of regional actors add complexity to a seemingly impenetrable conflict. Crisis Group’s Middle East Project, based in Jordan, researches and analyzes the long and short-term factors that feed this conflict, identifying ways of increasing the capacity and will of governments to cooperate on issues of internal and international security.
The Gift
In making a donation towards Crisis Group’s work in the Middle East, you will provide operational support for both Crisis Group’s Arab-Israeli Conflict Project, which covers Israel and the Occupied Territories, Lebanon, and Syria; and its Iran/Iraq/Gulf Project, which covers Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen. Your donation will provide Crisis Group with the resources to create innovative and comprehensive political and diplomatic strategies to address the sources of conflict, as well as to address the main factors within Israeli and Arab societies hindering the achievement of sustainable peace. Your donation will also support the analysis of the underlying causes of tensions and conflicts in the Gulf region. Your support will help Crisis Group to continue exploring appropriate means to alleviate the cycle of violence, encourage good governance and sustainable economic growth, and promote regional stability and security. For more information on this project please go to www.crisisgroup.org.