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About Us

See Our Gifts

Every year thousands of endangered chimpanzees are killed for the illegal commercial trade in chimpanzee meat. Baby chimpanzees are taken from their mother's bodies and sold into captivity, many suffer for decades in solitary confinement.

In Cameroon IDA-Africa wages an extensive media campaign to raise awareness of the plight of chimpanzees and the laws against killing them. IDA-Africa's Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center provides life-long sanctuary for 64 chimpanzee orphans. In lush forested enclosures, the chimpanzees live with adoptive families where they heal from their emotional and physical wounds.

Sanaga-Yong Center purchases fruit form local villagers creating an economy where none had existed, 25 full time Cameroonians whom had never before earned a salary, funds the local school, and provides basic medical care.

To progress in the conservation of endangered great apes, IDA-Africa assists the people who are struggling to survive - to create good will so that our mission may be embraced.


To provide sanctuary for chimpanzee orphans in Cameroon, and to promote the social and cultural conditions which ensure endangered great apes survive and thrive in their natural habitats.

IDA-Africa wages an extensive public education and sensitization campaign and Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center provides sanctuary in forested habitat for 64 chimpanzees orphaned by the illegal commercial bushmeat trade.


Founded in 1999 by Dr. Sheri Speede, the Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center (SYCRC) is located in the Mbargue forest of the Central Province of Cameroon near the confluence of the Sanaga and Yong rivers.

In Defense of Animals-Africa is both a project of In Defense of Animals and a
non-profit organization operating in the Republic of Cameroon in direct collaboration with the Cameroon government’s Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife.


Volunteer in Cameroon at the Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center. Visit to learn more.

Sponsor and orphaned chimpanzee - make a life-saving contribution. Visit www.ida-africa.og to learn more.






310 SW 4th Avenue, Suite #407

Portland, OR 97204

Phone: 503-730-8693

EIN: 99-9999988

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