Enable Growth
Provide Education
In Zambia, 87% of the population live on less than $2 a day. The majority of these individuals are rural farmers who support their families solely through subsistence farming. On this income level there is little room for education, medical needs, or agriculture development and it is often the case that basic foods needs are left unmet due to poor supplies and unavailable resources. Through IDE’s extensive education program and the availability of affordable technology this can be changed.
The Gift
Your gift of $250 will allow a one year training commitment to be given to a rural farming family in Zambia. This training will consist of improved irrigation and planting techniques and will also teach the farmers how to access and use affordable water technology, effective and safe fertilizer, and high quality seeds to increase productivity. Your gift will grow exponentially as it makes a chain reaction from trainer to farmer to entrepreneur to market, back to farmer for the next season. Through education, subsistence farmers will be able to lift themselves out of poverty through access to new farming practices and the ability to identify new market opportunities. The skills learned will spread throughout the village as farmers share what the knowledge with neighbors. Each year the benefits of your gift will increase as farmers take a more active role in local markets allowing them to in invest in their families, communities, and land.