Adopt A Beach
Educational Program
One of the greatest threats to ocean water quality is polluted runoff or “nonpoint source” pollution. This type of pollution comes from many diffuse sources. Stormwater runoff carries into our waterways pollutants such as oil and grease from city streets and parking lots, pesticides and fertilizers from urban landscaping and farms, animal waste from pets and livestock, and litter and trash from surrounding community businesses and neighborhoods.
The Gift
Make your contribution to the “Adopt A Beach” program to help children become “Adopters” through their commitment to clean the beach of their choice in L.A. County, three times a year. Your contribution allows children from under-served communities to not only see the beach, often as first time visitors, but also to learn that environmental stewardship starts at home in their own neighborhoods. Once a location has been selected, Heal the Bay facilitates the Adopt-A-Beach program in Los Angeles county by providing all supplies and training for volunteers to carry out the beach cleanups. A free educational presentation by a member of Heal the Bay’s Speakers Bureau is part of each group’s first cleanup. The speaker explains stormwater pollution issues, how to run a safe cleanup, and the importance of recording on the data cards each item that is picked up for future analysis and reporting, which drives legislation and policy on water quality issues.