Listen to Children
One literature set
We parents love our children, and we want the very best for them. We work hard to build a good life for ourselves and our children. And most parents are able to offer their children more love, more respect, and a stronger foundation of confidence than they experienced as children. But parenting isn’t easy. In addition to the personal challenges each father and mother faces in raising a child, there are social conditions that make parenting a real challenge for most of us.
The Gift
This gift will provide our most popular publication and the cornerstone of our program for strengthening parent-child relationships. Written for parents and caregivers, it explains in down-to-earth terms what children want and need from the people who love them. You'll learn why children express their feelings so fully, and how to help them with their difficulties. You'll learn how your child's mind works, and how listening to your child allows the two of you to work together to relieve your child's fears, frustrations, and anger. Winner of the NAPPA Gold award in 2006. The seven booklets include: How Children's Emotions Work, Special Time, Playlistening, Crying, Tantrums and Indignation, Healing Children's Fears, and Reaching for Your Angry Child.