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About Us

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Habitat for Humanity of Camden County works to eliminate poverty housing and to put shelter on the hearts and minds of people in such a powerful way that poverty housing and homelessness become socially, politically, and religiously unacceptable.

We change our community, one family at a time.


Habitat for Humanity of Camden County, using Christian principles, partners with our community to eliminate sub-standard housing in Camden County by building decent, affordable houses and providing opportunities to strengthen families through home ownership.


Habitat for Humanity of Camden County was founded by two Board of Education employees. Charles Scanlon and Lucy Hunter were at Camden County basketball game discussing the extreme poverty and unlivable housing conditions of a particular high school student. Lucy mentioned that she always felt that Habitat for Humanity was an organization that was needed in Camden County.

In March of 1997 a Board of Directors was formed with 19 Directors. HFHCC was officially recognized by Habitat for Humanity International. In May of 1997 incorporation Bylaws were accepted by the board of Directors and by July, HFHCC is duly incorporated by the State of Georgia as a nonprofit corporation.

November of 1997 first groundbreaking was held. The first home was at 601 N. Camden Street in Kingsland. Dianne Stevens worked for the Board of Education as a bus driver. The Stevens’ home was dedicated on September 17, 1998.

Habitat for Humanity of Camden County has built or rehabbed 25 homes for families in our community.


We build houses for families in need-- who would otherwise not be able to become homeowners.

We are working on a senior housing cottage development.

Green Building is a priority to HFHCC. We will work toward our goal of ReUse, ReCycle, ReStore.


Children experience the most profound effects of housing. The stability for children in an owned home produces measurable results: higher math and reading scores, fewer behavioral problems, less incidents of teen pregnancy, and a higher rate of high school graduation. In partnership with the community, the impact of decent, affordable housing extends beyond individual families and is felt throughout the community. Stronger, more stable families build stronger communities both socially and economically. The availability of simple, decent housing and revitalized neighborhoods raises property values. It also reduces a host of costly social and economic problems that strain education, public health, social service, law enforcement, criminal justice and welfare systems.

Although we build 4-6 homes per year for families in Camden County, the impact is not limited to the families housed. The “theology of the hammer” means that everyone can use the hammer as an instrument to manifest the love of God. We provide opportunities to volunteer and awareness of the issues of affordable housing. Habitat changes more than just the lives of the homeowners; anyone who has built on a Habitat home has left feeling the love of God and the community in which they live. Volunteers are able to work side by side with the soon to be homeowner and see the difference they are making for a family.


Continue working towards a safe, decent, and affordable home for every Camden County community member.


Christi Gallagher


Dr. Mary Keating

Steve Woolsey
Vice President

Rev. Frank Logue
Immediate Past President

Tamra Edwards

Richard Anderson
Assistant Treasurer

Rhonda McKinnon

Debbie Bell

David Childers

Steven Hooks

Jeremy Jacobs

Diane Maurer

Bob Nutter

Dave Packard

Leoniece Pinnell

Sandi Quattlebaum

Mary Root

Barbara Ryan

Tonya Rosado

Chuck Trader

Martin Turner

Roger Tyo

Mike Wooden


United States




302 South Lee Street

Kingsland, GA 31548

Phone: (912) 673-1266

EIN: 58-2331486

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Basic Needs