Teach the Children
40 Students at a Time
Church leaders from around the world have identified a serious need for culturally relevant, age-appropriate children’s Bible material and teacher training expertise to meet the growing needs of the local church. A lack of children’s resources has created a critical level of pent up demand. A proven, field-tested ministry model that addresses these needs is currently in use in 16 countries at varying levels of implementation and scale. Yet, tens of thousands of requests are still coming in.
The Gift
This gift will provide 40 needy children with a complete year of culturally relevant, age-appropriate Bible lessons. Can you imagine how it would feel to personally help that many children enter and grow in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? It would feel incredible, wouldn’t it? Children make up to 80 percent of new believers, aside from those born into the church. Yet even today, ministry to children is considered less important than to adults. Only 20 percent of all global missions resources are directed towards children and most of this funding has been for relief efforts. Local pastors, evangelists and church planters from almost every corner of the developing world are reaching out for help. The Church is currently unequipped to handle the pent up demand. There are so many children and so few resources. Like in Jesus' day, although children are loved by their parents, they still hold little status. Today, the Lord has once again reminded us of His heart for the little ones. The children thank you.