Give A Child Hope
One hour of advocacy
Can you imagine your child dying from diarrhea? This is the reality for nearly 2 million children. In fact, 10 million children under five die each year from preventable, treatable causes – neonatal/perinatal complications, malnutrition, pneumonia, diarrhea, respiratory infections and malaria. We know how to prevent these deaths, but we need the resources and the commitment from both donor countries like the U.S. and foreign bodies like the U.N. to do so.
The Gift
Your gift will support an advocate in informing policy-makers about the issues, so that children get basic health services such as immunizations and nutrition. The tragedy is not that we don't know what to do, because we do. The Global Health Council's members around the world have been successfully providing inexpensive, life-saving interventions for many years. One such tool is oral rehydration solution -- a simple solution of salt, sugar and clean water. It saves 2.5 million children each year. But current investments by the U.S. and other donor agencies in child health aren't enough. Moreover, these investments have stagnated over the past several years. Action is needed to increase resources to prevent these 10 million deaths. From the halls of Congress to those of the U.N., your gift will give children a voice, a chance, a future.