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About Us

See Our Gifts

The Global Fund for Women is a nonprofit grantmaking foundation that advances women's human rights worldwide. We are a network of women and men who believe that ensuring women’s full equality and participation in society is one of the most effective ways to build a just, peaceful and sustainable world.


We raise funds from a variety of sources and make grants to women-led organizations that promote the economic security, health, safety, education and leadership of women and girls.


Our grantmaking reaches across every continent to support women working for postive change in their communities. Our grantmaking supports women-led programs that: increase women’s ability to contribute to and benefit from sustainable development; offer immediate services to victims of violence, raise awareness about their rights and advocate for an end to all forms of violence; ensure access to education for women and girls; organize women to demand government accountability for ensuring good public health policy, and support groups providing reproductive health services to under-served populations; advance women’s leadership in civic organizations, all levels of government and in social change philanthropy.


Since 1987 we have awarded over $52 million to more than three thousand women's human rights organizations in 163 countries.


Liberia, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Russian Federation, Israel, Bahrain, Tunisia, Bolivia, Mexico, Chile, Guatemala, Pakistan, Nepal, Indonesia, China


California, New York


222 Sutter Street
Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94108
Phone: (415) 202-7640
EIN: 77-0155782

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Countries and Regions



Promote Security

Safety for Afghan women

The Global Fund for Women is proud to support women's organizations in Afghanistan focused on the rights of women and girls. Groups like the Afghan Institute of Learning, the Afghan Women's Educational Centre, and the Health and Development Center for Afghan Women offers classes on literacy, health and human rights, and provide health education and medical services to those who otherwise would have no access...
