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About Us

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Generation Iraq is an international non-profit organization which seeks to improve the lives of individuals and communities in Iraq by rewarding young people for their efforts in helping others less fortunate. We endeavor to instill compassion and care in Iraq’s communities, building toward a common goal of peace, security, and prosperity. We seek to promote reconciliation within the various ethnic and religious communities in Iraq.


Generation Iraq aims at instilling pride and self reliance within the psyche of Iraqi youth. Our organization is based on the premise that extremism is largely born from lack of economic opportunity and limited understanding of self-reliance beyond government programs and services. Generation Iraq develops and administers programs that reward an entrepreneurial spirit, leadership, and hope for a self-determined, brighter future.


Generation Iraq was conceived and founded by Tamara Quinn, an American Iraqi dedicated to a vision of Iraq as it can and should be. This vision is tempered by the realization that the country is far from ideal at this time and there is much work and sacrifice required to realize the vision.

After the war in 2003, Tamara felt the need to be involved with helping the country rebuild and reshape itself. She was a co-founder of WAFDI, Women's Alliance for a Democratic Iraq, which promoted women's rights and issues after the war. This work brought her notice from the Department of Defense and she was asked to join the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad. After thirty years in the US, Tamara returned to her native home as a part of the Iraq Reconstruction and Development Council (IRDC), and spent several months in Baghdad working to help provide a better future for Iraq. In her time there she developed a special interest in assisting young people in addition to women's issues.


School Partners Program - Penpal program between students in the US and Iraq
Vocational Training Programs (Carpentry, Sewing, Flower Arrangement, Computer Skills) - Job skills for youth, widows, and female breadwinners
Comfort Through Art - Art therapy for Iraqi youth
Iraqi disABLED - Wheelchairs and other supplies for Iraqi injured
School Supplies - Pens, pencils, notebooks, and other supplies to help students succeed in school
DreamWeavers - Special gifts for deserving Iraqi youth
Harmony in Bloom - Music lessons
No Strings Attached - Guitars for children
Growth Through Books - Books for libraries
True Colors - Books illustrated by Iraqi youth
Baseball Withouth Borders - Baseball program for Iraqi youth
Orphan Sponsorship - Financial support to help provide for the basic needs of orphans


The impact of Generation Iraq programs is immense. Hundreds of Iraqi youth are receiving the material, emotional, educational, and psychological support they need to grow and develop into productive adults, rebuild Iraq after decades of war, and end the cycles of violence and poverty.


- Provide job training for hundreds of Iraqi youth and women
- Provide school supplies and basic needs for thousands of Iraqi students
- Recognize the accomplishments of Iraqi cihldren through the Aziz Award and DreamWeavers programs
- Teach children the beauty of music
- Help children overcome trauma through art
- Facilitate communication and friendship between hundreds of American and Iraqi children


Cassie Pill is the Deputy Executive Director for Generation Iraq. Her work involves overseeing program implementation, ensuring good stewardship of donations, and promoting and gathering support for the youth served through Generation Iraq.

Ms. Pill was raised in the suburbs of Chicago, IL. She received both a Bachelor's Degree in English, and a Master's in Public Service Administration from DePaul University.

She has nearly ten years' experience working in the non-profit field, and an additional eight years of volunteer experience.


Tamara Quinn
Gary Quinn
Genine Shafer
Jessica Dumitru




Illinois, Tennessee


180 9TH Avenue N suite 601
Nashville, TN 37203-3617
Phone: (847) 814-5905
EIN: 20-4314075

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