Protect Teen Girls
One school campaign
1 in 5. According to a recent Harvard School of Public Health study, one in five female public high school students may experience physical and/or sexual violence from a dating partner. Teen girls are the fastest growing population at risk for dating violence and sexual assault. We owe it to our daughters, granddaughters and nieces to prevent violence from entering their lives so that they may realize healthy, happy relationships with loved ones.
The Gift
Your gift of a See It and Stop It action kit for high school students committed to preventing dating violence will be provided by FVPF. The See It and Stop It campaign is an unprecedented public education campaign developed by and for teens. Action kits contain posters, radio announcements, television ads, an online toolkit, and information on recognizing signs of dating violence, how to stop it, and how to make a difference in your school and community. See It and Stop It was originally developed by teens in Massachusetts in partnership with FVPF and The Advertising Council. As parents, teachers, and mentors, we have a responsibility to protect our daughters and sons from relationship violence. By empowering high school students to educate themselves and each other through peer to peer campaigns you will help keep our daughters and sons safe by preventing violence before it starts.