Prevent Violence
Training for one teacher
1 in 5 girls are beaten or abused by a boyfriend by the time she graduates high school; 40% of teen girls report knowing someone their age who has been hit or beaten by a boyfriend. Our teen daughters are the most at risk for rape, sexual assault and physical abuse. FVPF is training teachers to draw connections between classroom lessons and real life scenarios related to intimate relationships.
The Gift
Your contribution will sponsor one high school teacher for a year to participate in the FVPF’s newest training program for high school teachers. Working with teachers to develop strategies and create opportunities that challenge students to consider the role of violence in intimate relationships - we are working on the frontlines of violence prevention. So often our children spend more time with teachers than their parents or any other adults. Teachers are in a position to discuss and influence attitudes and behaviors about healthy romantic relationships; they have a unique opportunity to help our daughters and sons become better equipped at negotiating healthy relationships and never accepting abuse as a sign of affection. Your sponsorship for one teacher for a school year will enable the FVPF to train a new set of allies in the effort to prevent and ultimately end violence against women and children.