Organize Farmers
Increased banana sales
Even though African farmers can increase their productivity, harvests are not sold at good prices. They cannot bring the bananas to bigger towns or export them to other countries. They don’t own trucks. They can also not compete with big plantations who export to other countries. Small farmers depend on businessmen with trucks to come to their village and buy their bananas, if not, bananas rot, thus a great loss to farmer’s income.
The Gift
Your gift will assist farmers to organize themselves into farmer's organization and gather enough quantities of bananas to sell in bulk and consecutively buy their own trucks to transport bananas to bigger markets. Organized farmers will also be able to compete in the open market for exports such as multi-national companies as Dole, Nestle. Farmer products could be sold to big supermarkets with higher prices, usually three times higher than the village prices. Post-harvest losses incurred by farmers are also avoided. Selling their bananas will help farmers bring their products to bigger markets with higher prices, thus increasing their income. Your donations will be used to organize farmers to have more choices on how their products are sold.