Equip A Scientist
One computer for Africa
The information technology infrastructure is extremely weak in Africa. The majority of African scientists rely only on Internet cafés to analyze research data, browse the Internet, and exchange information with other scientists. Even in most African organizations which have Internet access, the internet subscription fees are extremely high and incur a huge burden. In West Africa, access to Internet with bandwidth of 256k/s costs $1400 per month, 50 times higher than in North America.
The Gift
Your donation will provide a computer to one of the many hardworking African scientists struggling to respond to diverse challenges faced by African farmers which are taken for granted by farmers in the US or Europe such as increase yield, fighting pests and diseases. At least five African scientists would share one computer if not, they go to Internet cafés to work on their data on varieties of improved rice species, or on forest protection and soil conservation for a more sustainable development strategy and more suitable policies on ecology and environment.