Connect A Farmer
One phone or radio
Information and experience sharing are poor in Africa. Farmers have little access to the outside world: neither the next village, nor the nearest advisory services. Very few functioning telephone lines are shared among subscribers and only 5.4% people can afford to use a cellular phone. This results in great difficulty in propagating knowledge and innovations to the isolated rural communities.
The Gift
Your donation will provide a mobile phone (and a year’s service fee) or a radio to a farmer to enable him to communicate with his peers, researchers, or agriculture advisory services. It will empower him/her to exchange and acquire information: how to improve harvest, fight rampant pests and diseases, and acquire the best varieties. This compensates for the poor basic infrastructure of agricultural information systems and will assist in the distribution of information among farmers, extension workers and scientists. Local successes on agricultural practices can be scaled out of isolated communities and benefit all African farmers. With cell phone or radio, farmers are granted access to valuable market information to seize good market opportunities and sell their goods at better and more equitable prices. Domestic markets and regional trade in Africa are enhanced. Enabling market policies, fair competition, and global export of crops and livestock are promoted.