Save young lives
Condoms for youth
In many countries, young adults striving to learn a skill or make a living — like apprentices and domestic workers — are at high risk for HIV infection and unwanted pregnancy, but have little access to services and information about their reproductive health. They often lack even basic knowledge about preventing infection, about contraception, and about their sexual and reproductive rights. Since they are not in school, school-based education programs don’t reach them.
The Gift
This gift will provide 100 condoms to young people in Mali, West Africa, as part of a comprehensive, practical educational strategy. Since 2005, FCI has pioneered a peer-to-peer approach to educating young workers. The project has trained 120 peer educators, distributed 16,000 condoms, and empowered 22,000 at-risk young people to pursue their dreams and protect themselves from HIV and unwanted pregnancy. This program is being expanded into additional neighborhoods and cities, where it will reach at least 14,500 more young people. Your gift of $10 will save lives — and will ensure that these young Malians receive not only condoms but the crucial knowledge that they need to protect their lives and pursue their futures.