Educate Farmers
Farmer field training
Most farmers care about the environment, but often they do not know how to produce enough food without harming wildlife and habitats. Ecoagriculture practitioners all over the world are creating new approaches to growing food and conserving ecosystems, but most of these innovators are isolated, and other farmers have no chance to learn about their success stories. Knowledge moves slowly--solutions discovered in Central America may be unknown in Africa.
The Gift
Your donation will help our partners discover successful ecoagriculture solutions, and allow farmers to share their knowledge in local settings and throughout the world. With your gift, we can: support field visits in India for farmers to learn ecoagriculture practices for growing medicinal plants around Protected Areas; make it possible for farmers in Uganda to receive expert advice on converting their plots from sun to shade-grown coffee; and teach a farmers’ organization how to market biodiversity-friendly products. Your gift of one field visit for a farmer will enable ecoagriculture innovators to learn from one another, and improve their farming systems while conserving biodiversity.