Defend Choice
10 journal subscriptions
The Catholic hierarchy works in the US to influence public policy in the areas of reproductive health and rights. This has serious implications for public health including the availability of emergency contraception in Catholic health facilities and prevention of HIV/AIDS. CFFC’s newsjournal CONSCIENCE is the only magazine that covers the range of prochoice opinion for general audiences including the efforts of the church to restrict access to abortion, contraception and fact-based HIV/AIDS prevention.
The Gift
CFFC will send one-year subscriptions to our award winning newsjournal CONSCIENCE to 10 university libraries in the US to insure that students have access to information and Catholic thought from the US and around the world. CONSCIENCE, the national and international newsjournal of Catholic opinion, is published quarterly by Catholics for a Free Choice and offers in-depth coverage of the topics central to the CFFC mission, including women's rights in society and in religions, reproductive rights, sexuality and gender, feminist theology, social justice, church and state issues and the role of religion in formulating public policy. Our readership includes national and international opinion leaders and policymakers, members of the clergy and the press and leaders in the fields of theology, ethics and women's studies.