A New Source of Funding for Nonprofits:

The $450 Billion Americans Spend Each Year on Presents

A Proven Opportunity

A few pioneering nonprofits capture some of the half-a-trillion dollars Americans spend each year on birthday, wedding, and holiday presents. You may know of Heifer, the pioneer in this type of fundraising, which raises $120 million a year.


How do they do it? By making the experience of a donation, which is given in a friend's name, feel like a rewarding present and a nice alternative to buying yet more merchandise.


Does Your Nonprofit Capture Money Normally Spent on Presents?

Perhaps your organization offers to send an email or letter to notify an honoree of a donation. That does not feel like a present, and does not attract much gift money.


Here is What it Takes:

Heart-warming charitable gifts

Personalized printed

greeting cards

Gift cards

Wish lists and registries

Now, Your Organization can Capture Money Normally Spent on Presents

Join the hundreds of leading nonprofits that attract funding here.


Two Opportunities

Sign up and submit your content once, and appear on both:


Changing The Present

The New York Times called it, "an Amazon.com of the nonprofit world." The site offers thousands of charitable gift opportunities (preserve an acre of the rain forest, fund an hour of cancer research, etc.) from hundreds of leading nonprofits. Register now so you can be seen by all our visitors.


Gifts For Humanity

Get your own private charitable gift store so you can capture money supporters normally spend on presents, without exposing them to other nonprofits.




It is free to sign up, and there is no monthly fee. There is just a small transaction fee when you receive donations to help cover our costs.



Learn More

See the short slideshow below or download the pdf.



Let's Get Started

Ready to start capturing some of the fortune now spent on presents?


Ready to start capturing some of the fortune now spent on presents?

Click the X in the upper right corner of this page to close it and return to the nonprofit you were visiting.